Monday, May 23, 2011

Loads and Loads of Fun

Spent a month in Durant, Oklahoma on a poker trip this weekend, and it was loads of fun.
It started with a mix-up at the hotel I was staying at. I booked it through and, long story short, it looked like they double-charged me for the room. I paid cash, but there was a debit on my bank card for the same hotel on the same day. Then it looked like charged us once and the hotel charged us once, so we called and had a wonderful conversation with them through an interpreter. Then it turned out that the charge was for my stay the previous weekend, but it didn't show up on my e-bank deal until the same day I checked in for the second time. Fun.
On Friday, I played for about 10 hours and lost $50 without anything exciting happening at all. Fun.
On Saturday, I was down about $500 after six hours. In total, I had been playing for 16 hours and hadn't really had one decent pot to show for it. I was sick of folding and waiting for something to happen, so I called Missy to vent. I told her I was considering switching tables and she agreed that was a good idea.
So I went back in, put my name on the list for a table change, and sat down at my table. I had to post the blinds that I had missed from being on the phone, which meant I had to play a random, terrible hand. Somehow, my terrible hand connected with the board, and I had the absolute best possible hand. I couldn't make anything happen for 16 hours with good cards, and here I was about to win a monster pot with some rags.
During the hand, I was informed that my seat at a different table was open and I was asked if I still wanted it. I went all-in for $800 and decided that if I won the hand, I would stay at this table, but if I lost I would move. One by one my opponents folded, until the last one called me with two pair. I had a straight, but the final card gave him a full house. To recap, I talked to Missy for 15 minutes, decided to switch tables, played one hand and lost everything I had in front of me. Fun.
Then I switched tables, and I have to take a minute to talk about this dude that was at my second table. My poker friends are familiar with a guy known as Tuff Fish online. Tuff Fish was a middle-aged hick who used to make videos of himself playing online poker and commentate on the hands as he played them. Unfortunately he didn't handle losing very well, which made for some hilarious videos. If you're interested, you can YouTube Tuff Fish, but I must warn you that the language is incredibly offensive. I tried to find one clip to post on here as an example, and they were all way too blue. This guy can't go 15 seconds without dropping an F bomb.
Anyway, I played with a guy Saturday night who was a real life version of Tuff Fish. He was probably in his late 50's, with a muscular build and a shaved bald head. He was already losing a lot when I got there, and after another lost pot his face turned beet red, and he stood up and started pacing around. Finally he slammed his fist on a drink tray at a table behind us, sending two drinks flying into the air.
He returned to my table and got involved in another pot. He bet, another man raised, and he raised another $400 on top. When his opponent went all in and he was forced to fold, real life Tuff Fish lost it. I won't repeat any of what he said, but his face was again as red as can be and he was spouting off profanities in incomplete sentences. His opponent was nice enough to show that he had the best possible hand, but that didn't seem to help. More cussing ensued, and the dealer called over security. Tuff Fish's opponent said sheepily, "I'm sorry you're upset." And Tuff Fish said, "Yeah, I bet you're real %&^*$#%ing sorry!" I couldn't help myself -- I burst out laughing. Probably not a good idea, but I needed a laugh after the way my weekend was going.
Of course, karma bit me right in the butt later on when Tuff Fish caught a perfect card to beat my made straight with a flush draw. To recap, I laughed at this dude and then handed him $1000 ten minutes later. Fun.
The final day of my trip was a blast, too. I was down $1900 for the weekend and wanted to at least put a dent in it. I played for 13 hours -- played really good too -- and won back a whopping $125. The highlight of that session was catching a lucky 6 to make a straight and build a huge pot, only to have a middle-aged Asian woman make four-of-a-kind on the last card and stand up, clap and hoot loudly for the next 30 seconds while my profit went from $1000 to $100. She was going, "Ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay" in a real high-pitch voice.

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